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CSV Import

CSV (comma-separated values) files can expedite the bulk creation of all types of accounts, as well as the domain address book. A CSV file is a plain text file that stores tabular data from database-style tools, such as Excel. Records appear on separate lines, and the fields within each record are traditionally separated by commas (or semicolons).

Buld Creation of Accounts

Creating New Extensions

A simple way to create new extensions is to list them in the format shown in the bulk import dialog on the extension list web page in the domain. The list contains the account name, the first name, the last name, the position, the cell phone number, the email address, the MAC address for the extension, the PIN, the SIP and the web password. After pasting the CSV into the dialog, the web front end will generate an approximate preview of the import for validation purposes before the actual import begins. After pressing the Create button, the system will import those accounts.


The list of parameters that can be set during the import is not limited to the parameters above. If the first line starts with a #, the system will read this line as the parameter line name. The default for this line is #alias;first_name;last_name;position;cell;email;mac;mb_pin;web_pass;password but it can contains other parameters as well.

If the account already exists, the system will overwrite the parameters for that account. For example, the mb_size field of the extension can be set with the following CSV:

Other account types

It is also possible to generate other account types. For this the column type needs to be set for every record.

Importing From File

Instead of pasting a CSV file, accounts can also be generated from files. These files can be files in the above format, however they can also be files exported from other systems. The web front-end will attempt to convert those files into a format that can be understood by the PBX back-end. Currently the import can read the following formats:

  • 3CX. The backup for a 3CX system contains a XML file that can be used when creating a new domain. The PBX will detect was extensions were configured on the 3CX system and converts the names, numbers, email-addresses and the associated MAC addresses for the extension from the file.
  • Asterisk. The PBX can ready the .conf-file from Asterisk-based systems and extract the extension names and numbers from it.

Extension Parameters

Following is a list of parameters that are part of the extension account. When creating CSV files, the only fields required are alias and type. Parameters can be added or removed based on need, and not every extension will necessarily have a value for every parameter you’ve included. In those cases, be sure to retain the seperator symbol (e.g. , or ;) for that field so that the number of values in each line correlates with the number of parameters in the top line. For example, the first line below shows a missing ANI, and the line following it shows two commas to make provision for this missing field.

typeAccount typeextensions
aliasExtension number651
aniOutgoing number6173998147
passwordSIP password1234
web_passWeb (interface) password1234
first_nameUser’s first nameJohn
last_nameUser’s last nameSmith
positionPositionExec. Assistant
departmentDepartmentCustomer Care
buildingBuildingMain Street HQ
cellCell phone number6173998147
mb_pinUser’s PIN1234
emailUser’s mail
macMAC IP address000412654788

In addition to the names listed in the table, any other parameter that is available for the extension can be included as well. For binary values, use the values true or false in lower-case.

Sample Syntax


Call Queue Parameters

The parameters for the agent group are as follows. Only type and alias are required, other parameters may be added as needed.

typeAccount typeacds
aliasExtension number of the agent group663
...Other parameters as needed

Sample Syntax

acds,663,40 41 42,15
acds,664,40 41 42,15

Ring Group Parameters

The parameters for the ring group are as follows (the account type hunts is from the previous name "hunt group"). Only type and alias are required, other parameters may be added as needed.

typeAccount typehunts
aliasNumber of the hunt group account74
displayDisplay name for the hunt grouphunt_74
st1_extExtensions that will be part of stage140 41
st1_durNumber of seconds the system should ring stage110
st2_extExtensions that will be part of stage243 45
st2_durNumber of seconds the system should ring stage215
st3_ext(for unwanted stages leave empty)-
st4_extExtension or phone number for the final stage70
...Other parameters as needed

Sample Syntax

hunts,74,hunt_74,140 41,110,243 45,215,,70

Conference Account Parameters

The parameters for the conference account are as follows. Only type and alias are required, other parameters may be added as needed.

typeAccount typeconferences
aliasThe account number of the conference account75
lengthNumber of digits that are required for the participant's access codeDigits 4-9
nameName assigned to the conference accountSupport
pinModerator's access code123456
...Other parameters as needed

Sample Syntax

conferences,701,Conference Room,tone,123456,000000

Paging Parameters

The parameters for the paging account are as follows. Only type and alias are required, other parameters may be added as needed.

typeAccount typehoots
aliasExtension number of the paging group account74
displayDisplay name for the paging groupFirst floor multicast
extThe extensions that are part of this paging group401 401 403 404 406
ipThe multicast IP address assigned to this paging account224.0.0.1:5000
modeThe paging mode assigned to this paging accountunicast multicast
permThe extensions that are permitted to place pages from this account404 405 406 480
recordDetermines which mode the page will be placed: either in live playback (false) or play recorded message (true) modefalse
...Other parameters as needed

Sample Syntax

hoots,705,Paging Station,400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409,*,,multicast,*,false

Service Flag Parameters

The parameters for the service flag are as follows (only type and alias are required).

typeAccount typesrvflags
aliasAccount number of the service flag account74
displayUse this field to name the service flag.9 to 5
modeThis field is used to indicate which type of service flag should be usedAutomatic, Day/Night
allow_extEnter the extensions that are allowed to change the status of the service flag; separate the extensions by a space405 406 480
monThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Monday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
tueThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Tuesday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
`wedvThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Wednesday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
thuThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Thursday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
friThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Friday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
satThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Saturday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
sunThis field is used to indicate the times when the service flag should be inactive for Sunday9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00
holidayThis field is used to indicate the holidays on which the service flag should be active12/24 12/25 1/1
...Other parameters as needed

Sample Syntax

srvflags,74,Night Service Flag,automatic,404 405 480,9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00,9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00,9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00,9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00,9:00-12:00 13:00-17:00,,,12/24 12/25 1/1

Address Book Creation Using CSV

There are two ways to import address book entries through the web interface. This document shows how to import shared address book entries through the tenant administration interface. The user front end has a seperate import interface that the user can use to import entries into the personal and the shared address book.


The parameters for the domain address book are as follows.

1First name
2Last name
3Main Number
4Cell phone number
5Speed dial entry
6Client matter code
7Fax number
11Do not call
13Type (black/white)

When leaving the text input area, the browser will generate a preview of the first five records.

A flag will determine if the shared address book should be cleared before the import.

Sample Address Book Syntax
