The Conferences feature allows you to schedule, manage, and participate in conference calls with multiple participants. You can create conferences with specific start times, durations, and participant lists, as well as configure various conference settings to control the meeting experience.
Getting Started
To access the Conferences interface:
- Locate your account avatar in the top-right corner of the Vodia interface
- Click on your avatar or the ellipsis (three vertical dots) next to it
- A dropdown menu will appear with various options
- Select "Conferences" from the dropdown menu
Conference Management
How to View Existing Conferences
Upon opening the Conferences page, you'll see a table listing all your scheduled conferences with the following information:
- Name: The title of the conference
- Room: The conference room number
- Start: The date and time when the conference begins
- Duration: How long the conference is scheduled to last
- Moderator PIN: The PIN code for moderator access
- Participant PIN: The PIN code for regular participant access
You can:
- Search for specific conferences using the search bar
- Navigate between pages using the pagination controls
- Select multiple conferences by checking the boxes on the left
How to Create a New Conference
- Click the + (Add) button in the toolbar
- Fill in the following required information:
- Name: Enter a descriptive title for your conference
- Room: Select an available conference room from the dropdown
- Select date: Choose the conference date using the calendar
- Select time: Set the start time for the conference
- Duration: Select how long the conference should last (from 15 minutes to 8 hours)
- Configure additional options (all optional):
- Participants: Enter email addresses of participants, separated by spaces
- Participant numbers: Enter phone numbers that should be called, separated by spaces
- Automatically initiate calls at the start time: Toggle ON to have the system call participants when the conference starts
- Record the conference: Toggle ON to record the entire conference call
- Set conference behavior:
- Entering conference:
- Start the conference without moderator
- Mute all participants until moderator enters the conference
- Mute all participants until moderator un-mutes the conference
- Exiting conference:
- Continue the conference
- Mute all participants on exit
- Hang up the conference on exit
- Entering conference:
- Click OK to create the conference
When scheduling recurring meetings, create a separate conference for each instance to maintain individual control over each meeting.
How to Manage Existing Conferences
Joining a Conference
To join a conference as a moderator or participant:
- Find the conference in the list
- Click the "Call" dropdown button on the right side
- The system will connect you to the conference
Downloading Calendar Invitations
You can download calendar files (.ics) to add the conference to your calendar application:
- Find the conference in the list
- Click the dropdown arrow on the "Call" button
- Select either:
- Download calendar entry for moderator
- Download calendar entry for participant
Deleting Conferences
To delete a single conference:
- Check the box next to the conference you want to delete
- Click the trash icon in the toolbar
- Confirm the deletion when prompted
To delete multiple conferences:
- Select all conferences you wish to delete by checking their boxes
- Click the trash icon in the toolbar
- Confirm the deletion when prompted
Use the checkbox in the table header to quickly select or deselect all conferences.
Conference Settings Explained
Moderator vs. Participant PINs
- Moderator PIN: Grants full control over the conference, including muting participants and ending the call
- Participant PIN: Provides regular access to join and participate in the conference
Conference Room Behavior Options
When Entering:
- Start the conference without moderator: The conference begins immediately when participants join, even if the moderator isn't present
- Mute all participants until moderator enters: Participants join in a muted state and remain muted until a moderator joins
- Mute all participants until moderator un-mutes: Participants join muted and stay muted until a moderator explicitly un-mutes the conference
When Exiting:
- Continue the conference: The conference proceeds normally when participants leave
- Mute all participants on exit: When the moderator leaves, all remaining participants are automatically muted
- Hang up the conference on exit: When the moderator leaves, the conference ends for all participants
Call Initiation
When "Automatically initiate calls at the start time" is enabled, the system will call all specified participant numbers when the conference is scheduled to begin.
When "Record the conference" is enabled, the entire conference audio will be recorded and stored for later access.
Conference Not Appearing in List
- Check that you have the correct permissions to view conferences
- Try using the search function to locate your conference
- Click the refresh button in the toolbar to update the list
Unable to Join Conference
- Verify that you're using the correct PIN (moderator or participant)
- Ensure the conference has started (check the scheduled start time)
- Contact your system administrator if you continue to have issues
Related Features
- Conference Rooms: Used by the conference feature to host calls
- Calendar Integration: Download .ics files to add conferences to your calendar