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Call Queues Metrics

The call queue uses several metrics in the wallboard, email reports and other places.

IVR duration: This is the duration a caller is waiting for an agent, typically hearing music on hold. This excludes time when the caller hears ring back tone when the system is ringing an agent for the call. The IVR may include the initial annoucement, or later stages that may include position annnoucement and music on hold.

Ringing duration: This is the duration a caller is waiting for an agent, typically hearing ringback tone. This is the time when when the system is ringing an agent for the call.

Waiting time: The waiting time is calculated by adding the IVR and the ringing duration. The waiting time is reporting only for calls that were actually connected to an agent, while the ringing and IVR time is reported also for calls that were abandoned.

Talking time: This duration is the time an agent was connected to a caller. This time includes the time when the call was on hold.

Holding time: This duration is part of the talking time and measures how long an agent held the call.

Idle time: This is the duration before a call when the agent was not connected to a call, from the reporting queue or other calls. Duration of more than eight hours are ignored.

Total duration spent in IVR: This is the sum of the IVR times.

Total duration ringing: This is the sum of the ringing time.

Total duration talking: This is the sum of the talking time.

Total duration holding call: This is the sum of the holding time.

Total duration idle: This is the sum of the idle times.

Agent interaction duration: The system reports the interaction duration in a graph that shows the distribution of interaction length for each minute talking duration.

Rating: Callers may rate the calls to a queue with one to five stars.

Connected inbound call: A call that connected to the queue. This does not includes that are unconnected, e.g. because the queue option was set not to connect the call until the agent picks up the call.

Connected outbound call: An outbound call that was associated with the queue and was connected.

Calls connected to an agent: An inbound call that was connected to an agent of the queue or another extension of the tenant.

Abandoned call: A call is considered abandoned, if the caller hung up while in IVR or ringing and the duration of the call exceeded the duration for reporting an abandoned call. By default, the duration for reporting an abandoned call is 5 seconds.

Abandoned call rate: This is the number of actually abandoned calls divided by the calls that are long enough to be considered an abandoned call.

Available agents when entering queue: This is the number of primary agents for the queue that are available for receiving calls when the call enters the queue.

Missed call: A call is missed by an agent when a inbound call was not picked up by the agent within the duration for reporting a missed call. By default, the duration for reporting a missed call is 5 seconds.

Maximum waiting time: This is the maximum waiting time for the given period, e.g. the day for the queue. The waiting time is calculated by adding the IVR duration and the ringing duration.

Currently waiting callers: This is the number of inbound calls that are in waiting, either in IVR or ringing duration.

Currently logged in agents: This is the number of agents that are wither primary or secondary agents in agents that are not logged out and are currently registered to the system. Mobile apps count as registered devices, even when the app is not running. If the tenant setting for including calling Microsoft Teams extensions in queues is enabled, those agents will always count as registered.

Currently logged out agents: These are the agents that are not logged in, but are primary or secondary agents of the queue.

Currently active agents: These agents are currently connected to a call in the queue. Calls in the queue that are not connected to an agent of the queue are not counted, for example if an extension that is not an agent of the queue has picked up a call.

Currently idle agents: This is number is the count of agents of the queue that are currently not connectced to a call. If an agent is connected to a call outside of the queue, this agent is not considered idle.

Total number of calls: The total number of calls that were entered the queue. If the queue was used in a call, this happens typically only once per call. However if the call gets transfered and then transfered again back in the same queue, this triggers the statistics again for example for the maximum waiting time.

Number of answered calls: The total number of calls that connected to an agent.

Number of abandoned calls today: The total number of abandoned calls for the queue.

Number of calls answered on time: The number of calls that were connected by an agent within the reporting duration for a missed call.

Number of calls abandoned within service level: This number shows how many calls were not considered abandoned because the caller disconnected the call in a time less that the abandoned call reporting threshold.

Calls where user hung up while ringing: This counts calls that were in ringing state (not IVR) when the caller hung up. If within the reporting duration, this call will be reported as an abandoned call.

Calls where user hung up while waiting: This counts calls that were in IVR state (not ringing) when the caller hung up. If within the reporting duration, this call will be reported as an abandoned call.

Calls that have been redirected while ringing: If the queue redirects the caller while in ringing state because of a timeout setting, it will increase this counter. This call will not be considered an abandoned call.

Calls that have been redirected while waiting: If the queue redirects the caller while in IVR state because of a timeout setting, it will increase this counter. This call will not be considered an abandoned call.

Redirected anonymous calls: When a call gets directed because of SPAM classification or there is no caller-ID available, this will increase this counter.

Redirection because of application server: When an external application server redirects the call, this will increase this counter.

Calls where callers navigated to other destinations: When the caller uses DTMF to exit the queue and transfer to another destination, this counter will be increased.

Administrative action: When someone transfers the call from the web interface to a party that is not agent of the queue this will be considered an administrative action.

Maximum calls: When the system redirects or rejects calls because the maximum number of calls for the queue has been reached.

Other redirected calls: This contain other reasons. In order to determine the reason, the log file needs to be checked.

Call Distribution: This table contains the number of calls over the past seven days by the hours of the day. The system automatically removes the areas in the morning and evening where there were no calls.

Category Distribution: This table lists what categories were assigned to the calls.

Primary agents: The agents that are unconditionally listed for receiving calls in the queue.