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Voip MS

Navigate to SMS Management

Add an SMS provider

  • Log into your Vodia Tenant portal.

  • Click Trunks on the left menu then SMS Management

  • Under the Providers tab click the [+ | Add] button

  • Complete the information.

  • Name: Provide a name (for your purposes)

  • Provider: Select

  • Username or account: Enter the email address you are using to log under your account

  • Application secret: Enter your VoIPms API password that you can set. ( client portal > Main Menu > SOAP and REST/JSON API).

  • Click [Save].


Add your SMS numbers

Now you need to add your DIDs into the Numbers tab. Click the

  • Under the section SMS Management (Trunks on the left menu then SMS Management)
  • Click the the section Numbers tab and click the [+ | Add] button.
  • Provide a name (for your purposes)
  • Enter your 10-digit DID number without a dot or -
  • Policy: If you have any policy in place, choose it. (optional)
  • Provider: Choose the provider name you have created.
  • URL prefix for receiving messages: Enter something you will use for our SMS callback URL. Eg: sms-voip-inbound
  • Source: It could be your extension number.
  • Destination: It could be your extension number.
  • Click [Save].
