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Hospitality Settings

In hotel environments, extensions can be set up as rooms. This will change their behavior in the following ways:

  • Rooms keep a checked in and checked out status
  • Rooms can use different dial plans depending on the checkin status
  • Hotel rooms can not set call forwarding, cannot transfer calls and cannot park and pickup calls
  • Calling from rooms to other rooms, other account and outside numbers can be restricted
  • When calling rooms, the caller information can be changed to use different fields that the caller name
  • Rooms can not participate in conference calls
  • Call recording in calls with hotel rooms can be seperately restricted
  • Rooms have restricted access to the address book (LDAP)
  • Rooms have no access to service flags
  • Agents can control the DND status for rooms and their wakeup time
  • There are special maid codes for updating the PMS about the cleanup status of the room

Room Settings

Allow room-to-room calls: This flag determines if a room can call another room.

Allow outside calls for rooms: This flag determines if a room can call an outside number.

Restrict room calls to the following accounts: This settings contains a list of accounts that can be called. If the setting is empty there are no restrictions. However when set, the system checks if the dialed number is on the list. Prefixes are allowed and end with the * character, e.g. 123* would allow dialing e.g. 123, 1234 and 12345. Star codes can also be listed in this setting. Calling the mailbox, setting up a wakeup call and the maid code call are allowed in any case.

From-header: This setting controls what is shown in the From-header when calling a room. This can contains e.g. the position of an extension instead of the name.

Allow call recording for rooms: This flag controls if call recording is allowed for a room.

Dial plan for checked-in rooms (restricted/unrestricted): These settings control what dial plan will be used when the room has a guest checked in. There are two modes, depending on the PMS system. Unrestricted is typically used when a guest has credit to place international calls, while the restricted dial plan can be used when the guest has only limited credit.

Call queue for initiating wakeup calls: If a call queue is set in this setting, the system will use this queue to initiate the callback in person.

Wakeup call attempts: This setting how many wakeup attempts will be performed.

Time between wakeup attempts: This setting controls how much time between the wakeup attempts will be used.

Send email to following address(es) if the wakeup call is not answered: If a wakeup call fails, the system will send an email to the email address listed in this field.

PMS Connection

The PBX is able to communicate with property management systems (PMS) using the "UHLL" (Universal Hospitality Language Layer) protocol and the FIAS (Fidelio Interface Application Specification) protocol. Vodia PBX was certified with the Infor Hospitality platform. The following features are supported:

  • Send call data records to the PMS and add charges to the guest bill
  • Send maid codes to the PMS to change the status of the room
  • Exchange DND messages with the PMS system.

How to Connect

In order to connect, go to your selected domain on the web interface.


  • Go to Property Management System Interface by clicking on PMS under Advanced as shown above.
  • Enter the address and port of the PMS server in the setting PMS Server Address including port (Eg. pmsserver.com:6000 or
  • If the setting DMM (three character device identification provided): is not already set to 302, then set it to 302.
  • Press Save and connect to connect the PBX to the PMS server.
  • To disconnect, leave the server address setting empty and press Save and connect.

Maid Codes

Staff can use the room phone to change the status of the room. The following codes are available:

  • *57 or *571: Room cleaned
  • *572: Room cleaning required
  • *573: Room cleaning in progress
  • *574: Room inspection required
  • *575: Room maintenance required
  • *576: Room out of order
  • *577: Room pick up
  • *578: Room passed inspection
  • *579: Room failed inspection
  • *5710: Room cleaning skipped

Because FIAS uses different codes, the maid codes 2-6 and 9 are mapped to "Dirty", 8 is mapped to "Inspected" and the other codes are mapped to "Clean".

UHLL Messages

Once the connection is set up, the following UHLL messages can be exchanged between the PBX and the PMS server.

From PMs to PBX

  • PMS can send check-in message to the PBX with the extension number, which will enable the extension and turn on its voice mail etc. It will also optionally turn on outgoing calls by changing the dial plan, if the dial plan is set to "No Outbound Calls".
  • PMS can send check-out message to the PBX with the extension number, which will reset the extension and turn off its voice mail etc. It will also optionally turn off outgoing calls by changing the dial plan to "No Outbound Calls" if a dial plan by that name exists.
  • PMS can send the credit message to the PBX with the extension number and credit amount, which will set a credit limit on that extension. This works only if the trunk's rates setting has been set.
  • PMS can send the DND on or off message to the PBX with the extension for which the DND should be turned on or off.

From PBX to PMS

  • PBX will send a call charge message to the PMS on the completion of every outgoing trunk call, with the from, to, start time, duration and amount information (if available).
  • PBX will send a maid code, room cleaned code to the PMS, when you dial the room clean star code (*57 by default) on the phone extension connected to the PBX. This star code default can also be changed on the PBX.
  • PBX will send a DND message on or off to the PMS when you dial a Do Not Disturb star code on the phone extension connected to the PBX. Star code *78 (default) turns DND on and *79 (default) turns it off.